Law firm Grčar, o. p., d. o. o., has been operating since 2010.
The founders are lawyers Vincenc (Cene) Grčar and Špela Grčar..
We try to find the best options for our clients for a comprehensive solution to their problem – for this purpose, we provide legal advice to clients, we participate in negotiations and other business tasks for them, we draw up all kinds of contracts and other documents for our clients and we also enable them to carry out an out-of-court mediation process and, in if the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, we also represent them before the courts and other state authorities.>
Our lawyers are registered in the directory of the State – Bar Association of Slovenia:
Based on many years of experience and in order to operate as professionally and qualitatively as possible, we have chosen narrower legal areas in which we operate most often:>
She deals with civil law, especially copyright, media, contract law, personal rights law and administrative law, as well as societies and institutions law. She speaks English, Croatian, Serbian, as well as passively French and Italian. Read more
He deals with civil law, especially copyright, media, contract law, personal rights law, and criminal, administrative and constitutional law. He speaks English, Croatian, Serbian and passively German. Read more
Grčar Law Firm does not have office hours, because it operates exclusively by prior arrangement with the client. For information or to get an appointment, you can call us every weekday between 9.00 am - 5.00 pm on the phone: +386 (0)1 839 75 78 or send an e-mail to the address:
The company is registered at the District Court in Ljubljana, filing number: 1/34620/00 · Registry number: 1623613 · VAT ID: SI87593084 · BCA opened at SKB, d.d., Ajdovščina 4, Ljubljana: 03171-1086351128 · Fiduciary account: SKB, d.d., Ajdovščina 4, Ljubljana, number: 03103-1000648655 · Grčar Law Firm is liable for VAT and in accordance with the Attorney Law is registered in the directory of the Slovenian Bar Association.